US Airways Adds $25 Fee for 2nd Bag!

US Airways is one of the top airlines serving the Caribbean with flights to Jamaica, Grand Cayman, Punta Cana, Barbados, St. Lucia, and Antigua to name a few! On Tuesday, US Airways announced they are adding a $25 fee to any second check-bags. Up until this announcement, travellers were allowed 2 pieces of checked baggage. This policy will go into effect on May 5th, 2008 and will generate an additional $75 million in cost savings and new revenue. United Airlines has already made this change and we expect all airlines to follow suit. "Some critics may call this another example of airline customers being 'nickel and dimed' for services that used to be provided as part of the flying experience," US Airways President Scott Kirby said in a statement to employees. "But the airline industry of 2008 is very different from the industry of 1998 or 1988, and we have to be realistic -- and innovative -- about our product." (Reuters)

Best of Barbados is Back!

The Best of Barbados program is one of my favorite island promotions because the majority of hotels on the island participate! The program includes air discounts of $200 to $300/per person, the first or first and second night free at the hotel of your choice based on a 7 night stay, and free breakfast! Additionally, there are gift certificates for local restaurants and buy one get the second one half-price at most area activity providers! Book your travel by April 1, 2008 to take advantage of these great savings! Let the Caribbean Specialists with plan your Barbados Vacation or book online for discount packages!

Bonaire Tourist Board Launches New Site

Bonaire is quickly becoming the most popular dive destination in the Caribbean. Long famous for a no-frills approach to tourism, a concept that appealed to die-hard divers, Bonaire is fancying up some of its best digs and still remaining true to its dive roots. In promoting these new features, the island has launched an amazing new website! This website is the first of its kind, divided into different sections such as diving, snorkeling, nature, vacation planning, etc. and each section is manned by a different virtual tour guide. You can read about the tour guide and see their personal recommendations for your visit. The photography on the site certainly wets your whistle for more and leaves me yearning for the real thing! This site has more info on Bonaire than any others I have come accross.