Day 1 Caribbean Christmas Gifts~ Liz Mannette Jewelry
Ms. Liz Mannette is a Caribbean artist generating quite a buzz these days. You absolutely must check out her website and online catalog for a luxuriously unique Caribbean gift. Her jewelry is created to honor and cherish the love for steel pan music.
Born into the pan family, the Mannettes, in St. James, Trinidad, Liz is educated at Mucurapo Girls R.C. School and the Bishop Anstey Girls High School. In 1983, she first begins to play the steel pan with Pandemonium Junior Groove, a steel band of high school students from Bishop Anstey Girls, Holy Name Convent and Belmont Boys Secondary School. She tries out the bass pan, but finds the pan sticks a bit too heavy and is moved to the tenor pan. She is a skinny teenage, after all. Liz participates in the first Junior Steelband Music Festival in 1984, playing Moods, composed by the maestro of pan, Len ‘Boogsie’ Sharpe.
Liz migrates to New York to join her mother and sisters in 1984 and begins her university career at Brooklyn College, of the City University of New York. She joins her church steel band, Calvary Steel Orchestra ( and plays the triple guitar pan. Elizabeth is part of the band and church group that travels to England and Scotland in 1985.
After attaining a degree in Chemistry, Liz starts at Harvard Law School in 1988. A memorable experience for her occurs in 1990 when she invites a few friends to see the play Steel by Derek Walcott, which depicts the experience of life in Trinidad in the 1930s with a main character portraying Ellie Mannette. Her friends are impressed that she is from steel pan royalty.

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