Have You Visited Fodor's Lately?

The Internet is overflowing with review sites... sites hosting forums for travellers to post their own personal account of their vacations. TripAdvisor, IgoUgo, and VirtualTourist, to name a few. While these sites serve a purpose as we all strive to become authors in our own right and need to feel validated when we have a negative or surprising experience, there is something wonderful about a well written, thoroughly researched travel review. Enter Fodors.com.
Many of the authors at Fodors are well-traveled and their point of references for noting details about a certain destination are many and varied. I have never understood why travellers would prefer to only read the reviews of "real" travellers and ignore the professional review. There simply is no comparison to a review of a Caribbean hotel by someone who has visited over 100 others. They know what to look for, what questions to ask of the staff, and what details you and I might just overlook in our research. So next time you are researching an island getaway, add Fodors to your list!
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