I {heart} Martinique!

The French Caribbean has long been a subject of my desire. I love France for all her high style, good tastes, and humble countrysides. I love the Caribbean for her lively people who reflect the region's warm sunny skies in their smiles. Combine the two and I'm in heaven. While the more well-known St. Martin & St. Barths are fabulous... its the off-the-beaten island of Martinique that has my attention for 2010. The Martinique Tourist Board does a great a top job of staying in touch... it seems I hear from them almost every week! The island also promises to impress when it comes to planning a party, event, or festival.
Seeking new inspiration for your 2010 Caribbean trip? View the 2010 Events Calendar for Martinique and then move on to the Martinqiue Tourist Board's delightful site... when you've decided this "très chic exotic beauty" is for you, come back to me and together we will plan the most enticing island escape you can imagine! Bon voyage!

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