Caribbean Travel Checklist for Babies & Toddlers


I've been a mother for 10 years and have been to the Caribbean almost 50 times since I became a mother. I should know what essentials to pack for kids of all ages when visiting the tropics. So, why did I assume my 2 year old would make it 2 weeks with only shorts, shirts, 1 pair of Havaianas and 2 swim suits? Because I've fallen off the tightrope many working Moms walk 24/7 and landed in the abyss of "I'm just too damn busy". {you know, the hypothetical place books are written about? Like this one from Real Simple editor Kristin von Ogtop.} Yes, I packed in record time - maybe under an hour? And every day of this vacation we all felt the causualties in one way or other. Mostly felt in the pocketbook as necessary beach items cost more in the Caribbean. As I enjoy my second to last Jamaican sunset from our friend's balcony high in the hills above Kingston, let me recall everything I forgot to pack... 

(Someone slipped back into the pool AFTER we dressed for dinner...)
  • More Than One Hat. {it is windy on the beach... hats fly off in the wind and 2 year olds are not fast enough to catch them. neither are many parents.}
  • 3-4 Swimsuits. {the air is humid in the tropics. no one likes putting on a wet swimsuit, especially cranky toddlers who have had ENOUGH of the beach and just want to go home to their collection of dump trucks.}
  • A Few Boxes of Annie's Macaroni & Cheese. {this is especially helpful if you are staying at a private villa and don't want to ask your cook to prepare multiple dishes for each meal. hand over a box of these noodles and be done.}
  • A Thermometer. {we all hope and pray our kids stay healthy while traveling but that isn't always the case and guessing if junior has a fever or not, is not fun entertainment.}
  • Childrens Tylenol & Motrin. {because if junior does get a fever, you must treat it. letting a child sweat out a fever in 80+ temps, is not fair.}
  • Any other medications you would use at home - bring them. {because they will all cost $5678.00 more in the Caribbean and be hard to locate.}
  • Double the amount of swim diapers you intended to bring. {speaking of hard to find, 7 stores later we decided to let our son just swim naked - this had its own causualites... imagine. no swim diapers were located. a few pink ones were borrowed - see photos above}
  • Two Tubes of Kiddie Sunblock. {leave one in the room and apply every am before you suit up. leave another in your beach bag so it is always with you and daddy doesn't have to go tromping back to the room dripping wet when you realize you left it by the bed.}
  • Diaper Rash Cream. {even if you can't recall the last time you used this stuff at home, bring it. the tropics are hot and sticky when dry. add a wet swim diaper, and the itchy netting found in little boy bathing suits, and you could end up with a real problem area. apply liberaly, even if not needed.}
  • Bug Spray for Kids. {because the adult stuff has way too much deet. eek.}
  • Bandaids. {no explanation necessary - but a great example of how handy these can be is that we actually used one of the super strong fabric ones to patch up our beach ball giving it a few more hours of use. swell.}
  • Yummy Earth Vitamin C Pops. {i'm not sure about the science behind this, but for whatever reason, my children's twisty car ride tummy woes are eased if we stick a lollipop in their mouths. might as well do double duty and give them a little vitamin c too!}
I'm sure there are more items I forgot, but as the sun slips behind the mountains and the smells from our dinner being lovingly prepared in the kitchen circle around me, I think it's time to forget all the drama of my forgetfulness and enjoy my second-to-last night on this beautiful island! Enjoy!

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