Sandals Royal Bahamian. I send many a faithful client on
Sandals Vacations and have visited every property - except this one. So it was an easy choice. I like the resort chains new, updated look. I find the Chairman,
Gordon "Butch" Stewart to be a charming and motaving leader in the Caribbean Travel Industry, and I love it that the new CEO is his son and in his 20's. All of it is inspiring.
The first thing I noticed was the abundance of my favorite flower, hibiscus:

Then I smiled upon the decidedly British touches of an authentic post drop:

And phone booth:

As any good vacationista would do, I made my way to the nearest bar. A sea-weathered swim-up bar stocked with all the top-shelf brands Sandals is known for.

It was a cloudy day... being September after all and Hurricane Kyle was looming out there somewhere. Yet still, the large pool, that from the right angle seemed to melt into the ocean, was alluring for many:

The clouds blew in and out and cozying up under this umbrella with my book was tempting:

But I had my eyes on grander sites, the offshore Private Island: (more on this later)

Back on the main (is)land and here is Mr. Sangster doing what he does best, ordering up our favorite cocktails: (Him - Appleton VX & Pepsi, Me - Vodka & Tonic - both of these only IF mojitos are not available.)

And yours truly - resting on this potted plant, not for a poised look but because my feet have grown unaccustomed to wearing heels in the 10 months since the birth of my son. I spend my days in flats chasing him all over the place. And the dress... a darling attempt at belting a maternity number:
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