Have fun in Gay Patong

Patong has become synonymous with nightlife in Phuket. There are beer bars, discos, go-go bars and nightclubs all over the area. What you may not be aware of is that Patong also has a bustling gay scene. Gay Patong is full-on fun - and even if you're not gay, it's definitely worth a look because it's where you'll find some of the best parties in Phuket.

The action of gay Patong primarily takes place at the Paradise Complex located in front of the Royal Paradise Hotel on Rat-U-Thit Road. Paradise Complex is a huge mass of gay-friendly venues. The place never sleeps, although during the day the area has a laidback kind of vibe.

Gay Patong is like a playground for gay travellers. There are several hotels and guesthouses that cater to a primarily gay clientele, although all genders and preferences are welcome.

There are also gay-friendly gyms, restaurants, Internet shops, massage parlours and so on. Paradise complex has more than 50 different venues, each offering something unique. During the day, there's a market where you can buy clothing and various odds and ends.

But people don't go to gay Patong just for shopping - they go to party. Paradise Complex has an ensemble of the island's best cabaret shows. If you've never seen a cabaret show, it's definitely worth trying at least once, just for the experience. The boys in the shows spend hours rehearsing every day, so expect lots of dancing, lip-syncing and general tomfoolery.

Phuket Simon Cabaret is known for some of the island's most elaborate cabaret shows. Anther venue you shouldn't miss is Uncle Charlie's, which is more of the same.

While Soi Bangla is home to most of Patong's "straight" go-go bars, Paradise Complex has the gay equivalent. If you don't have a desire to see rows of young Thai men gyrating on stage, don't go. However, if that sounds like you're idea of fun, try out Sparacus, CU Tonight and My Way.

The party scene isn't all about looking at gorgeous Thai boys, though. Paradise Complex has some fantastic nightclubs. Boat Bar is the place to go if you like your beats tough and techno. The island's finest DJs spin at boat bar and the parties usually go on well into the AM.

Karaoke bars are also popular with the Patong gay community. If you've had a bit to drink then no doubt a quick blast on the mic will be in order. Wow Café and Karaoke is the place to go.

You don't have to be gay to enjoy gay Patong, so give Paradise Complex a look next time you're in Patong.

About the Author

Find out more about gay Patong and Patong nightlife though these web links.

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