3 Weirdest Tourist Attractions in the USA

The USA is home to a large number of tourist attractions, the most popular of which include the Disneyland, the museums of Washington D.C., New York City, Hawaiian beaches, Boston's historical tours, the panoramic hills of San Francisco, the adventurous land of Alaska, and many more. But, if you love extreme adventure, these places are surely not the best ones for you. How about an adventurous trip to some of the wackiest places in the US? Here is a brief description of the three weirdest points of interest in the country. These three destinations are really wacky and certainly not to be missed by anyone, not even by the US residents.
The Extra Terrestrial Highway:
The Extra Terrestrial highway is just an hour drive from Las Vegas. This lonely road meanders past the popular 'Area 51' and surprisingly seems to stretch out to just nowhere! Area 51 is very popular as the site of several alien-visits to Earth. While driving on the highway, you will feel like you are about to smash into a hill, but will never do so. It is an illusion, very similar to the mirage one experiences on hot summer days in deserts. An interesting thing along the Highway is a big metal mailbox in which you can leave your personal message for the aliens! Follow up your adventurous drive with a delicious meal at the elegant 'Little A-Le-Inn' and then stay past dark if you are love star gazing. This area offers a breathtaking view of the stars that is well worth whatever amount you spend on fuel.
Rock City:
Rock City, situated in Lookout Mountain in Georgia, is a fine-looking and highly-structured garden established by Frieda Carter, wife of miniature golf inventor Garnet Carter. The wacky trail in the garden are all lined with eerie statues, uncanny gnomes, and many other bizarre characters from fairy tales. While driving along the trail that leads to huge rock outcroppings, you will have weird illusions that will add to the adventure and are definitely worth exploring.
The Top Secret Upside-Down White House:
This giant, magnificent White House, located in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin, is the biggest upside-down white house in the USA and is quite amusing to tour. With its floor aiming at the sky, this weird structure sits on its own roof! As you walk through the dirt ceilings of the house, you would come across several strange 'artifacts' that have been supposedly well-preserved in this great archaeological dig. There are a lot of other interesting things in this building and the place is definitely worth visiting with kids.
However, these are not the only places that are fun to visit in the USA. To find information on all other Tourist Destinations in the US, go through the free state travel guides on USA Travel Pal - Offers you the best way to plan your next road trip and make your own discoveries.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Eshwarya_Patel
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