Diving To Explore The Undersea World

The weather, the busy port, and the lifestyle of the area have made it a tourist destination for many years. The buildings of this city are a mix of modern colonial style houses and old world homes with modern high rise office buildings and lavish resorts. The tropical weather is warm year round, but it's never too hot and there's rarely ever a chill in the air. The port of this city is the lifeblood of the island.
While there are many activities for tourists, no visit to the commonwealth is complete without a scuba diving the Bahamas adventure. This article shows three different experiences for divers of all skill levels.
SUB Diving
If you're not a certified scuba diver, taking a SUB down underneath the water to the reef is safe and fun. A SUB is kind of like an underwater motorcycle, it even resembles a motorcycle in design except for the domed enclosure for your head, which stabilizes the vehicle and provides you with plenty of fresh air for breathing while you're underwater.
Once safety divers lower you into the water with a control line, you have full control and maneuverability of the SUB. You can move forward, backward, and side to side. Unbelievably, it is impossible to tip a SUB because of its heavy weight on the bottom and the dome one top. It is the ideal solution for people who want to go scuba diving, but don't have a scuba certification. All SUB riders are required to be at least 12 years old and accompanied by a parent.
All Day Diving
If you only have one day reserved for diving the Bahamas, you can make it an all day event with an all day dive so you can have plenty of time in the water. All day dives are usually a combination of a two tank morning dive and a two tank afternoon dive. With a total of four tanks used, that takes up an entire day as you have an adventure exploring the world under the sea. With a short turnaround time between dives, you'll have just enough time to grab lunch before you head back into the water. Taking part in an all day dive requires scuba certification and at least one dive in the last three years.
Shark Diving
Possibly one of the most interesting and memorable adventures is shark diving where you will observe and encounter sharks. As you get up close and personal with these amazing creatures, they feed around you. A two tank shark encounter is open only to certified scuba divers age 10 and older. Divers must have had at least one certified dive in the past three years to qualify for a shark dive.
If a little diving the Bahamas sounds like a thrilling addition to your next vacation, check out these adventures and more that are available for those who want to see under the sea.
Christine O'Kelly writes for the experts at Scuba Dive Bahamas. They offer a diving the Bahamas adventure.
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