The Hermitage Plantation Inn, Nevis
It's no secret that I love old things... when I see the words "flea market" or "antiques" on roadside signs... my heart rate increases and it takes serious self control to stay on my intended course. Obviously, the old homes of the Caribbean give me great joy! I've been known to stray from many intended courses in the Caribbean and pull over to explore ruins of great houses or sugar mills... So it is with great joy that I introduce you to The Hermitage Plantation Inn... one of the oldest hotels on the isle of Nevis and one of the oldest Caribbean homes.

Dine on antique china... seated on a gingerbread terrace... in the evening breeze...
Enjoy hours of conversation... sip rum recipes passed down for a few hundreds years... and watch the setting sun cast long shadows across the antique oriental rugs...

Nevis awaits... to welcome you!
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