FIFA: Semifinals, final of WCup sold out

FIFA: Semifinals, final of WCup sold out JOHANNESBURG – Some 130,000 World Cup tickets have been sold in the first 36 hours of the final phase, and the semifinals and final are sold out.

FIFA announced Friday that 29 of the 64 matches are sold out. That includes all games in the coastal cities of Cape Town and Durban.

"We are very pleased with the interest and with the latest figures," FIFA ticketing subcommittee chairman Horst Schmidt said.

The opening game is also sold out between host South Africa and Mexico at Johannesburg's Soccer City stadium on June 11.

FIFA said tickets were still available for one quarterfinal and the third and fourth playoffs, as well as a selection of final 16 and group games.

Some less popular matches, like South Korea vs. Greece at the Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium in Port Elizabeth and Paraguay vs. New Zealand in the northern city of Polokwane, are yet to sell out tickets in any of the four seat categories.

Ten matches still have unsold tickets in all four ticket categories, including the lowest priced one for locals. Another eight games have only sold out the cheapest tickets.

FIFA did not say how many tickets had been sold in each category, only that some were "available", some had "few tickets" and some were "unavailable."

Local organizers have said they will ensure that all World Cup games are full to avoid shots of empty seats on international broadcasts.

As a result, they may be forced to give away free tickets to schools or charities. That would have an impact on the economic benefit of the World Cup for the local committee, which is counting on much of its revenue from ticket sales.

The estimated $3.3 billion that the World Cup makes from commercial rights and marketing goes to FIFA.

FIFA and the local organizing committee have previously acknowledged worries over certain "low interest" games where tickets are not selling.

Foreign ticket sales, particularly in Europe, have also been disappointing. Fewer than 350,000 people are expected to travel to the country for Africa's first World Cup, down from initial estimates of 450,000.

The final ticket batch was released Thursday, and fans in South Africa could buy over the counter for the first time. However, there were technical problems with the ticketing systems.

Police were called to at least three centers to calm angry fans who faced lengthy delays.

Fans can make purchases at 11 ticket centers and a network of 600 bank branches. Supermarkets across South Africa will start selling World Cup tickets on Monday.

FIFA was criticized for waiting so long to simplify the process for local fans, who have low incomes and are unfamiliar with buying tickets on the Internet.

Organizers are looking to sell the final 500,000 of the 2.7 million total tickets during the latest phase.

Traveling with grandkids can be trip of lifetime

Multigenerational trips can lead to more far-flung, active adventures
Multigenerational family trips can be a hit. This fishing trip in Alaska proved to be bountiful for the Hill family. Gregg Hill, from left; his wife, Pam; his 78-year-old mother, Pauline, and his 16-year-old grandson David show off their catch.

Travel Alaska Fishing
My nearly 3-year-old son Matt was methodically smashing coconuts on the stone terrace next to the pool of our rented villa in St. Martin early in the morning just under the window where my sister and brother-in-law — still kid-less — were trying to sleep. We thought it was hilarious; they weren't amused. My parents just wanted to enjoy the sunshine and the grandkids — Matt and his baby sister, Reggie.

That was the first of our many multigenerational vacations, all the more poignant because my dad died a few months later. Maybe that's why we still talk so much about that trip — the seafood feasts our housekeeper whipped up, seemingly effortlessly for us, the hours my dad, already ill, spent playing in the pool with the kids, the stellar snorkeling and gambling expeditions led my dad to a nearby casino, the bug bites that covered my 8-month-old daughter, and, of course, the Morning of the Coconuts.

At the time, it all seemed pretty exotic for our family. My mom had plucked a tiny ad from the New York Times and, sight unseen, (no Internet virtual tour in those days, no TripAdvisor reviews), had rented the place overlooking the ocean for two weeks. It wasn't quite what we expected, but that's another story.

What the gathering provided was unfettered time together to laugh and play and eat — time we didn't usually have because we lived thousands of miles apart. Today, more than 20 years later, grandparents and tour operators tell me, that's still what's driving other families like ours to corral their families on multigenerational trips.

What's changed is the kind of trips available. As baby boomers become grandparents and seniors become more active, families are opting for more far-flung and active adventures — fishing in Alaska, horseback riding at dude ranches, snorkeling off the coast of the Big Island of Hawaii, setting up camp — literally — at tree houses in the U.S. Virgin Island ( — some returning with grandkids to where they honeymooned, or sailing charters in the Caribbean (, rafting and hiking in Colorado ( touring Israel and Africa with a gaggle of grandkids, even shopping New York City's vintage stores.

"We had so much fun ... and spotted my oldest daughter's senior prom gown!" said Anna Mae Kremps, who lives near Pittsburgh. Thanks to the transportation arranged by, Kremps said, "This 70-something grandma was able to keep up."

The Alaska fishing trip ( that included 78-year-old Pauline Hill and her 16-year-old grandson was such a hit that the family is returning this year and bringing along friends, reports Hill's daughter-in-law Pam from her home in Colorado.

Do that bucket trip now
These grandparents "are generally a fitter and more experiential-oriented travel crowd than their parents. So they are happy to take their grandchildren on 'adventures,' especially when they might have the opportunity to get a massage or go to yoga at the end of the day," observes Paul Lehman of Austin-Lehman Adventures ( His company is booking more of these trips, including an Adventure Bar Mitzvah to Israel. Often, the grandparents pick up the tab, too.

And this may be the time to do it, says Gabe Saglie, senior editor of "In terms of that bucket trip, do it now. We have not seen prices like this in a long time, if ever," he says, adding that you can negotiate even better deals when you've got a group.

The best part is you might be able to arrange a specific itinerary geared just for your family, as the Crews did when they took their family — 14 of them — to Tanzania with Wildland Adventures ( to celebrate their 50th anniversary.

The Crews, incidentally, who live near Tampa, are a well-traveled couple, but said Jeri Crews, this trip with the nine grandkids was the most rewarding they've ever had.

"It was a real adventure," she explained. "Each member of the family got something out of it, and it was so thrilling to see the children discover things they hadn't ever thought of, or knew existed." One grandson, in fact, won a speech contest for recounting his visit to a village school.

Cruises remain popular
Of course, there are plenty of less exotic offerings, including YMCA camps like the YMCA of the Rockies ( with plenty of organized activities.

And families are still cruising — so much so that they represent one of the fastest growing segments of the cruise industry and cruise lines, like Norwegian (, court them with everything from connecting rooms and suites (see the amazing options on Norwegian's new EPIC coming this summer) to family reunion packages aboard Holland America ( and family memories deals on Crystal Cruises ( The more rooms you book, the more perks you receive.

Families are still renting houses together, too ( — everything from cabins on a private Minnesota island (, where we hosted more than one multigenerational summer trip, to a South Carolina beach via Wild Dunes ( where there are new "Family Matters" packages that offer 20 percent off villas for seven days, along with other perks to deluxe and budget European and Caribbean manses ( and

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Wet Sand - Use It - Love It

When we were in Jamaica last week, the sea was unusually rough from what we had experienced in the past. (Hence, the mention of the rouge wave in this article.) I mentioned this to our friend, and avid sailor, and he showed me a great website called Use it to predict the wind speeds and surf elevation for your next trip! Great resource!

The Best of the Beach - Runaway Bay, Jamaica

The beach in Runaway Bay, Jamaica is amazing! We had such a fantastic time during our fully staffed villa vacation. For once, thanks to a new camera, I think the photos capture the essence of the view... 

If you would like to book your next Caribbean Vacation to the beautiful beaches of Jamaica, send us an email to info @ or give us a call at 866-236-1924.

Jamaica Villa Menu - a sampling of what your chef might prepare!

(Our Villa Chef from our trip to Jamaica last week, preparing grilled lobster for dinner!)

How does this sound for lunch?

Cheese & Callaloo Quiche
or Lobster Quiche
Marinated Bean Salad
Breadfruit Chips or Potato Chips
OR this for dinner?
Cold Tomato Soup or Lobster Cocktails
Curried Chicken On a bed of White Rice
Steamed Vegetables
Fried Plantains
Orange Cake
All of these delicious dishes could be on the menu at the villa of your choice on your next Caribbean vacation! All villas in Jamaica come fully staffed, including a private cook. For our villa clients, we always arrange the arrival meal to be a traditional Jamaican Roast Chicken dinner with all the tempting sides & a tropical dessert. Then we ask that our clients sit down with the villa cook to plan the rest of the week's meals. We provide ideas to choose from, including many of the dishes above. These exact menus are from SunVillas, a rental company specializing in Jamaica. Browse all of their menus here

Getting to Jamaica from most major US gateways is easy, all major US airlines fly to the island. From the UK, you may fly American Airlines or find flights on United Airlines too!

Caribbean Travel Checklist for Babies & Toddlers


I've been a mother for 10 years and have been to the Caribbean almost 50 times since I became a mother. I should know what essentials to pack for kids of all ages when visiting the tropics. So, why did I assume my 2 year old would make it 2 weeks with only shorts, shirts, 1 pair of Havaianas and 2 swim suits? Because I've fallen off the tightrope many working Moms walk 24/7 and landed in the abyss of "I'm just too damn busy". {you know, the hypothetical place books are written about? Like this one from Real Simple editor Kristin von Ogtop.} Yes, I packed in record time - maybe under an hour? And every day of this vacation we all felt the causualties in one way or other. Mostly felt in the pocketbook as necessary beach items cost more in the Caribbean. As I enjoy my second to last Jamaican sunset from our friend's balcony high in the hills above Kingston, let me recall everything I forgot to pack... 

(Someone slipped back into the pool AFTER we dressed for dinner...)
  • More Than One Hat. {it is windy on the beach... hats fly off in the wind and 2 year olds are not fast enough to catch them. neither are many parents.}
  • 3-4 Swimsuits. {the air is humid in the tropics. no one likes putting on a wet swimsuit, especially cranky toddlers who have had ENOUGH of the beach and just want to go home to their collection of dump trucks.}
  • A Few Boxes of Annie's Macaroni & Cheese. {this is especially helpful if you are staying at a private villa and don't want to ask your cook to prepare multiple dishes for each meal. hand over a box of these noodles and be done.}
  • A Thermometer. {we all hope and pray our kids stay healthy while traveling but that isn't always the case and guessing if junior has a fever or not, is not fun entertainment.}
  • Childrens Tylenol & Motrin. {because if junior does get a fever, you must treat it. letting a child sweat out a fever in 80+ temps, is not fair.}
  • Any other medications you would use at home - bring them. {because they will all cost $5678.00 more in the Caribbean and be hard to locate.}
  • Double the amount of swim diapers you intended to bring. {speaking of hard to find, 7 stores later we decided to let our son just swim naked - this had its own causualites... imagine. no swim diapers were located. a few pink ones were borrowed - see photos above}
  • Two Tubes of Kiddie Sunblock. {leave one in the room and apply every am before you suit up. leave another in your beach bag so it is always with you and daddy doesn't have to go tromping back to the room dripping wet when you realize you left it by the bed.}
  • Diaper Rash Cream. {even if you can't recall the last time you used this stuff at home, bring it. the tropics are hot and sticky when dry. add a wet swim diaper, and the itchy netting found in little boy bathing suits, and you could end up with a real problem area. apply liberaly, even if not needed.}
  • Bug Spray for Kids. {because the adult stuff has way too much deet. eek.}
  • Bandaids. {no explanation necessary - but a great example of how handy these can be is that we actually used one of the super strong fabric ones to patch up our beach ball giving it a few more hours of use. swell.}
  • Yummy Earth Vitamin C Pops. {i'm not sure about the science behind this, but for whatever reason, my children's twisty car ride tummy woes are eased if we stick a lollipop in their mouths. might as well do double duty and give them a little vitamin c too!}
I'm sure there are more items I forgot, but as the sun slips behind the mountains and the smells from our dinner being lovingly prepared in the kitchen circle around me, I think it's time to forget all the drama of my forgetfulness and enjoy my second-to-last night on this beautiful island! Enjoy!

Cayman Carnival Batabano

Travel April 29 to May 5, 2010

From only $689/per person!

Rate includes:
4 Nights Accomodations at Sunshine Suites
Continental Breakfast Daily
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Ready to book? Contact us! We can arrange your trip from any US city connecting in Miami. Or if you are flying from the UK to the Caribbean, there are many great sources for low cost flights to Grand Cayman.

Stylish Sandals for a Cause by Sseko Designs

Meet Sseko Designs, a company created to help bright young women in Uganda continue their education. Read their story here and if strappy sandals are on your list for your next Caribbean vacation, consider these: 

We love shoes that give back... remember this post about TOMS Shoes wedding line - perfect for Destination Weddings.

Order here.

Polarized Lenses - Don't leave home without them!

As many couples do, my husband and I often engage in the common spousal debate of fashion vs. function. This topic comes most frequently when we discuss shoes. What woman doesn't feel sexiest in a pair of heels? It doesn't matter what type of day I've had, how terrible I feel physically, or if my clothes are suddenly fitting a bit more snug, if I slip into a pair of heels, I'm cured. So the heels win over comfortable flats 99.9% of the time.

My husband is an avid deep sea fisherman, born on an island, and raised by the sea. He can't remember when he first acquired a pair of sunglasses with polarized lenses but he does know he's never purchased anything else since. I never understood it, likely because the ocean was so beautiful to my naked eye. I've been to most Caribbean islands and spent months on the beach, but seeing the ocean each time is like seeing it for the first time... the view never gets old.

Last week, on our first day at the beach, I decided to take my 2 year old boogie boarding for the first time, complete with my new Jackie O shades (black with mother of pearl accents, LOVELY!) when we were attacked by a rouge wave. It came out of nowhere and was 3 to 4 feet higher than the others that day. My choice was simple - hold the child - not the glasses and so there they went. Gone in an instant and our vacation had only just begun. Luckily, Mr. Sangster had a spare pair of shades to last me until we reached Kingston this week and I could replace my own.

The borrowed glasses never left my head. (Tommy Bahama, brown, polarized - say no more.) If ever I thought I had seen the ocean again and again for the first time, this truly was a new experience. All of the colors popped, the depth of the sea floor was visible from every angle, the clouds glowed whiter in the blue background and I was smitten. So yes, polarized lenses are a fantastic thing. Here's the dilema, why are all glasses sold with polarized lenses the opposite of attractive, at least from the ladies persepective? Not much time to research as we are still in Jamaica, but as soon as we get home, I will be on a mission to find a stylish pair I can call all my own. Should you find any retailers that sell something of the sort, please share.


Room Photos from Sandals Emerald Bay, Bahamas

The new Sandals Emerald Bay Resort & Spa in the Exumas opened in January of this year. I can't wait to visit! I leave the peace and tranquility of the Out Islands of the Bahamas. The clarity of the water and ample stretches of deserted beaches are what dreams are made of. Step inside the rooms and living spaces at Sandals Emerald Bay and that feeling only continues...

Book NOW and take advantage of their low introductory rates!

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