Barbados Announces 2010 Calendar of Events!

Hike Barbados – Starting in January, every Sunday through December Guests experience the natural beauty of Barbados by hiking through the very middle of its cane fields, gullies, tropical forests and coastal communities. Hikes are scheduled weekly and depart each Sunday morning and afternoon from different locations on the island, lasting three hours in duration. Morning hikes, departing at 6am, vary in intensity based on hikers’ experience levels and taste, starting with the two mile long “Grin and Bear”, the six mile long “Stop and Stare” and nine mile long “Medium” and “Fast Medium” treks. Afternoon hikes start at 3:30 p.m. and Moonlight Hikes begin at 5:30 p.m. and both follow the “Stop and Stare” route. Hike Barbados is a free activity, but gladly accepts donations to help the Barbados National Trust preserve the built and natural environment.
Barbados Jazz Festival –January 11-17Bringing some of the best local, national and international jazz performers to the stage, this annual event is popular with jazz aficionados and attracts music fans from all over the world. Concerts take place at various venues across the island.
See the full list here! Enjoy!
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