Birdwatching Holiday in Northumbria

If you like to birdwatch - and many people do - Northumbria is a great place to do that. There are many things to do in that area, but there are also a lot of open, natural areas where wildlife simply exist in their natural habitat. Because they aren't in a zoo or other enclosure you get the opportunity to really observe them just as they are, and that can be great when it comes to seeing birds and enjoying the discovery of the different types and how they interact with their environment.

If you're planning a birdwatching holiday, one of the things that you'll really want to consider is where to stay in Northumbria. There are many fine hotels in the area, but if you want to be close to nature you'll probably be better off to consider a cottage or even to consider camping. Both of those options can present you with many more opportunities to get up close to the birds that you'll be watching and to see them more frequently than you would near a hotel. You have to be out in the countryside a bit, and cottages and campgrounds are great choices for that.

You can also get a self-catering cottage much less expensively than you can get a hotel room in many cases. You'll have to pick up after yourself instead of having a maid do it, but it shouldn't be a problem and if it is you can also get catered cottages, but you'll pay a bit more for the convenience and they might not be as remote as you would like. You can also check into camping areas in Northumbria because there are several.

How you like to camp will generally determine where you'll stay, too, since there are some areas where it's just you and a tent and other areas where campsites have hook-ups for water and electricity, where there are club houses and working bathrooms, and where you can easily walk to a restaurant. No matter what option you choose, though, you're sure to see a lot of birds and have a wonderful birdwatching holiday while enjoying the beauty of Northumbria.

About the Author

This article was written by Tom Sangers on behalf of Northumbria Cottages who offer Cottages to rent in Northumberland

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