The New Way to Tour Italy

Slow travel is the new way to travel the world. It gives you the opportunity to become part of the local life, connect to a place, its people and its culture.
Movie sensations like Under the Tuscan Sun and books like Eat, Pray, Love have sparked the new desire to experience the culture of a place and really get the sense of what life is about, whether you are visiting the Tuscan country side, or the small village on Spanish coast.
There are three key elements that set apart Slow Travel Tours from regular Tours:
Small groups: It is essential on these tours to limit the number of guests. Having only 10-12 guests really gives the tour guides and operator the chance to provide the much needed personal attention. Catering to larger groups only means herding people around for hours without really ensuring that each person is having the experience of a lifetime.
Local experience: Tours must focus on the local life. The ideal vacation now includes shopping at the village markets and learning how to cook the local dishes. Tours should be focused on quality not quantity, keeping the traveling from place to place to a minimum and really taking in the local life.
Lodging in one location:Gone are the hectic holiday tours where you run from one must see to another, only to arrive home feeling like you need a holiday. Slow Travel tours are about slowing down and joining in local happenings. Slow travelers stay in one place for at least a week. The room in the family-run B&B becomes your new home away from home.
Try Slow Travel, next time you plan to Tour Italy, and bring a little bit of culture and local life back with you, to complement your digital pictures.
Learn more about Slow Travel Tours of Italy now!
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