The Extraordinary Adventure To The Southernmost Part Of The World

The continent is not inhabited by any human society. Scientists, modern explorers, members of expeditions, photographers, and adventurers stay in Antarctica, but not permanently. However, the continent being located at the southernmost part of the earth and possessing an unfriendly climate does not make it lifeless. It is inhabited by different species of mammals, birds, fish, and other groups of animals. Moreover, it supports 200 species of lichens and 50 species of bryophytes.
Trips to Antarctica are usually done between November and March. It is because after March, temperatures go as low as -100 degrees Fahrenheit or -38 degrees Celsius. Also, the sun disappears until September. The time when you decide to visit Antarctica influences what you are going to see and not see. During late spring or early summer, which is in November and early December, the scenery is white and pristine with pack ice and giant icebergs. This season also allows you to witness the courtship rituals of penguins and seabirds.
Going there in mid-December and January or midsummer gives you great photo opportunities even at midnight. These are the continent's warmest months and the receding ice allows for more exploration. Late summer, which takes place in February and March, is the best time to go whale watching as it is during this time when whale sightings are at their best. It is also during this time when penguin chicks begin to fledge, more fur seals are seen in the Antarctic Peninsula, and the receding pack ice gives ships the opportunity to explore further south.
You can take your journey by ship. A part of your trip will be lectures on the history and natural history of Antarctica. Trips often leave either from Ushuaia in Argentina or Punta Arenas in Chile. There is no visa required when going to Antarctica but you would need your passport for unscheduled stops.
The Antarctic animals make the continent worth visiting. These include different species of seals such as the Elephant, Leopard, Weddell, Crabeater, Ross, and Fur Seal. Then there are the different species of whales including the Blue, Fin, Sei, Southern right, Humpback, Minke, Sperm, and Killer Whale. Of course, there is the famous Emperor penguin and other species of penguins such as the King, Gentoo, Chinstrap, Adelie, Rockhpper, and Macaroni penguins.
Further activities that can be done include climbing the Observation Hill, which allows you to lay your eyes on the fantastic views of Mount Erebus and the Ross Ice Shelf. Another popular activity is soaking your cold muscles into the warm waters of Deception of Island. You can also go looking for a "Chocolate Iceberg", go kayaking up to icebergs, or send postcards to your friends straight from Port Lockroy, which is the one and only post office in Antarctica. A British station in the past, Port Lockroy is now a museum to early Antarctic exploration.
If you are in for one unique and unforgettable journey then having an Antarctic holiday should be on top of your list. There are great subjects to take photographs of, magnificent views to feast your eyes on, and opportunities to have a close encounter with Mother Nature. Now that the mysterious continent is open to tourists and visitors, do not miss your chance to have a firsthand experience of the mystery that enfolds Antarctica.
Jo is a writer for 'Antarctica Bound' (, specialists in Antarctic expeditions who are fully committed to providing the best possible service. If you would like to get on a remarkable Antarctica voyage then get a reliable recommendation from an expert travel coordinator like Antarctica Bound who can help you choose the best cruise ship to match your budget.
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