The other side of Jamaica

The allure of paradise is always fascinating; it causes the mind to picture peace and tranquility of nature in all her splendor. A flowing river, the chirping of birds and the sound of children's laughter encapsulated by the wind through the trees. Jamaica is paradise! Or is it? The contrast of this island is from one extreme to the other all coming together in one melting pot. Symbolic of the motto "OUT OF MANY ONE PEOPLE", home to approximately 2.75 million people from every race color and creed imaginable Jamaica is diverse.
The rich and the poor are separated by their location i.e. the rich man lives uptown conversely the poor man lives downtown. The world has heard about Jamaica but so many are yet to see it, what most have seen are the various resorts and all inclusive hotels, they have not seen the filth and squalor that more than 50% of natives are living in. In the capital city of Kingston there is an inner city community called Riverton Gardens, the name appealing to the ears however Riverton Gardens is the largest land fill in Kingston. A bird's eye view of the hills 3 miles away is the upscale residence of Plantation Heights, where the property owners equipped their homes with the latest security devices, guard dogs and armed guards.
The business districts in all 14 parishes have derelict buildings which become haven for the homeless and thugs and can cost you your life by just walking past any of these derelict buildings in the nights. The financial capital New Kingston is transformed in the nights this is the time for the prostitutes, drug pushers and the young people who love to party. The politics of this "paradise" is summed up in one word "CORRUPT" whatever suites the government gets done irrespective of the consequences to the natives.
The police have been described by some as gunmen in uniform, the many reported cases of extra judicial killings and brutal beating of the citizens goes unabated. Crime has skyrocketed over the last 2 years with an average of 1500 Jamaican citizens killed yearly; this figure does not include those killed by the policed. The state of the prisons are not worthy for human habitation, the prisons are overcrowded. The holding cells at the police stations are deplorable the prisoners have to use a bucket for bodily excrement.
The sleeping quarters of police officers for the most part is despicable most cops shudder at the thought of rain because the stations suffer from leaking roofs. Electricity theft is a major problem just about everyone steal electricity the rich and the poor there are the throw up wires and the tampering of the electrical meters which is costing the Jamaica Public Service Company (the countries power supply company) millions of dollars yearly.
It is reported that three hundred thousand people are paying the electricity bill for the nation. You will never read about Jamaica like this in any of the tourism brochures, what you will see is paradise. To see the real Jamaica check out
The rich and the poor are separated by their location i.e. the rich man lives uptown conversely the poor man lives downtown. The world has heard about Jamaica but so many are yet to see it, what most have seen are the various resorts and all inclusive hotels, they have not seen the filth and squalor that more than 50% of natives are living in. In the capital city of Kingston there is an inner city community called Riverton Gardens, the name appealing to the ears however Riverton Gardens is the largest land fill in Kingston. A bird's eye view of the hills 3 miles away is the upscale residence of Plantation Heights, where the property owners equipped their homes with the latest security devices, guard dogs and armed guards.
The business districts in all 14 parishes have derelict buildings which become haven for the homeless and thugs and can cost you your life by just walking past any of these derelict buildings in the nights. The financial capital New Kingston is transformed in the nights this is the time for the prostitutes, drug pushers and the young people who love to party. The politics of this "paradise" is summed up in one word "CORRUPT" whatever suites the government gets done irrespective of the consequences to the natives.
The police have been described by some as gunmen in uniform, the many reported cases of extra judicial killings and brutal beating of the citizens goes unabated. Crime has skyrocketed over the last 2 years with an average of 1500 Jamaican citizens killed yearly; this figure does not include those killed by the policed. The state of the prisons are not worthy for human habitation, the prisons are overcrowded. The holding cells at the police stations are deplorable the prisoners have to use a bucket for bodily excrement.
The sleeping quarters of police officers for the most part is despicable most cops shudder at the thought of rain because the stations suffer from leaking roofs. Electricity theft is a major problem just about everyone steal electricity the rich and the poor there are the throw up wires and the tampering of the electrical meters which is costing the Jamaica Public Service Company (the countries power supply company) millions of dollars yearly.
It is reported that three hundred thousand people are paying the electricity bill for the nation. You will never read about Jamaica like this in any of the tourism brochures, what you will see is paradise. To see the real Jamaica check out
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