How to Travel on a Budget For Diabetics

I am a type II diabetic and my husband and I are on the road. Being diabetic, I have to watch and evaluate everything I eat. I am pleased to say my blood sugar is staying under control. I like to keep it in the 90s but will settle for the 109 this morning. Be picky about your choice of hotels/motels when traveling. Not all of us can afford to stay in fancy places with gyms and spas. Last night we stayed in a Best Western motel in Springfield, MO. We chose this motel for several reasons including location and price.
But we had lots of options in our price range and location. Specifically, this motel offered a large safe area for walking all on the motel grounds which were very well lit. I was able to walk last night, including to and from the restaurant, and again this morning. This motel also offered free bottled water, a free continental as well as hot breakfast. In addition to the cereals, bagels, and donuts many motels offer, they also had waffles with sugar-free syrup, sausage, egg, and cheese biscuits, boiled eggs, whole wheat toast, and hot biscuits with sausage gravy, fresh fruits, yogurt, etc. Before heading out this morning I was able to have a walk for exercise and a free breakfast that fit into my diet.
One of the things I definitely recommend is picking up the hotel/motel guides that are offered free at gas stations and restaurants along the way. This is how I find my motels. Each motel's ad gives you lots of details. Pay close attention to the breakfast offerings. If they say, "Free Continental Breakfast" your choice is probably limited to cereal, donuts, and bagels. Look for the ones that say, "Free hot breakfast." They are more likely to offer the options of meats and eggs. Feel free to ask about the breakfast offerings before you take a room. Do not be embarrassed to say the breakfast offerings don't meet your dietary needs and move on to another motel down the road. If you make reservations over the internet, the same information is available to you.
There are many good restaurants along the way. Even if you are eating mostly at fast food restaurants, they do offer some healthy choices. Don't use that as an excuse to let your diet suffer. You know how you need to eat and you can do it. And be sure to check your blood sugar on a regular basis, just as you would at home. Make adjustments as necessary.
You can control your blood sugar and travel. Just look for options along the road and choose the best ones. And take advantage of the rest areas all states offer along the interstate. A little walk from time to time allows you to get some much needed exercise and keeps the circulation going in your legs.
Happy Travels.
More more of Linda's diabetic information and recipes, visit her site at
For her old fashion recipe collection visit her blog at
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