The Biggest Ferris Wheels on Earth

Create a round the world trip , where you chase the biggest ferris wheels. You read that right. Chase the biggest ferris wheels in the world. You will have a sky rocketing trip, as you journey through the cities of the world, in their bid to fanatically outdo each other. It is amazing that even in a world reeling from one financial crisis to the next, that some things just keep right on turning. Incidentally, the Ferris Wheel has lost it name and is now called the 'Observation Wheel'.
First you could begin with the Southern Star in Melbourne, Australia, a mere 120 metres high, built in 2008. It is the only large permanent ferris, oops, observation wheel in the Southern Hemishpere.
A quick dash across the South Pacific and you could drop into the exotic tropical island of Vanuatu, formerly known at the New Hebrides. This stop is really worthwhile as you visit the world's birthplace of extreme sport - the bungee jump on Ambrym Island. It is a truly mesmerizing sight, but not something you want to try for yourself. The vines are made by the jumpers, who hope and pray the vines are just the right length. Not too much to smack the diver into the ground, not too short they hit the 75 metre rickety bamboo tower. But just enough for the jumper's shoulders to sweep the ground under the tower.
Then drop into Singapore and take a spin on the Syngapore Flyer, also built in 2008, at a height of 165 metres tall. That is around a 54 storey building. A great ride if you can cope with the giddy heights.
The London Eye would make a great {{{fly over of the Thames river|stop}} next at 135 metres tall, which was Europe's tallest wheely in the not too distant past.
Duck through the tunnel to Paris and gaze at the romance of the city from 100 metres up, on the grandfather of ferris wheels, The Ferris Wheel Of Paris, built in early 1900.
Now if you are clever you will time your trip right. You could make it for the grand opening of Berlin's Great Observation Wheel, which is due to be finished in 2009. A lofty 185 metres over the city.
A quick trip down to Dubai and you could observe the opulence of Dubai from the Great Dubai Wheel at a soaring 185 metres. You will be able to pick out all the various nations of the world on the man-made islands, from your advantage point.
Then it is off to highly populated Asia and the Star of Nanchang, towering over China's Jiangxi Province, at 160 metres tall.
Saving the biggest to last, you need to make sure you arrive at the Beijing Great Wheel, which is also contracted for completion during 2009 and will tower 208 metres above the city. That is equal to a 70 storey building swirling high over the city}}}. This is definitely not for those who can't handle heights.
The long gone, world's first ferris wheel, created by George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr., as a landmark for the World Fair in Chicago, in 1893. It had a capacity to carry 2,160 people and was powered by two steam engines. It would take 20 minutes for the wheel to rotate two revolutions. Even The Great Observation Wheel of Beijing, will only have a capacity of 1,920 people.
So having circled the world's great ferris wheels, it will be time to head home again and enjoy the simple things of life once more, with your feet firmly planted on old planet earth .
This once in a lifetime Blue Moon Opportunity to experience all the great observation wheels of the world, will most likely be the only round the world by wheels some of you will attempt . However, there is a Blue Moon Opportunity you can take part in on a regular basis, (and for a lot cheaper). It could alter your life.
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