Your Dream Destinations

Everyone dreams of that 'trip of a lifetime'. The one place they would like to go to one day. Dreams that include such exotic places as:
1.Snorkeling the Great Barrier Reef, Australia discovering its exotic colours and the wide variety of wildlife. 2.Discovering the Amalfi Coast, Italy with its luxurious lifestyle of the rich and famous, 3.Visiting Egypt and the great pyramids, taking the history and mystique of the desert, 4.Cruising the Southern oceans to enjoy the pristine wilderness of Antarctica, 5.Hiking the forests looking for the illusive Kiwi, or climb the majestic glaciers of New Zealand, 6.Enjoying the exotic animals on an African safari , 7.Cruising the Rhine, Germany, enjoying the rich wines of the area, 8.Skiing the Swiss Alps, 9.Exploring the romantic wrecks of the pirate ships around Mauritius
Above all, you need to plan an extended holiday enjoying the many exotic tropical islands of the dreamy South Pacific. A great way is to start with the Happiest Country on Earth, Vanuatu, (New Hebrides). After all, it is much better to fall head over heels in love with Vanuatu, than with your psychiatrist. And it is half the cost.
So you have missed out on the dodos in Mauritius, the king size moa birds in New Zealand, the brown bears on the Rhine, but you are in time for the little explored thousand year history, tradition and multi-culture of Vanuatu. It is one place in the world where you can stand on the lip of a live volcano, enjoy thousands of year tradition, like it was yesterday and mingle with the happiest people on earth.
2009 is your year to plan to make your dreams begin to happen. Choose your destination and make it become a reality. You can make your dreams come true.
Dr Wendy Sternberg-Tendys and her husband are CEOs of YoumeSupport Foundation, ( supplying high school education grants to kids who will never go to high school without outside assistance. They are offering a world first, Blue Moon oppportunity,you can't affort to miss. Do yourself a favour and spend a few minutes taking a look at
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