Dubrovnik pearl of the Adriatic

Dubrovnik is a place of history, wealth and culture, being the arts center of Croatia. Many artists, poets and writers originate from the South Coast, making it one of the most popular resorts on the Mediterranean. Dubrovnik is a resort for the elite, with hosts of celebrities holidaying or buying property there. The beauty of this city with its stretches of harbors and stunning coast line makes visiting this wonderful place a must.
Unfortunately, Dubrovnik was hit hard during bombing of the Montenegrin Navy from 1992-1993. Statistics show that almost a third of Dubrovnik's buildings were damaged during the war, but by visiting the city you would never have thought it. The city has obviously worked extremely hard in restoring its building. Only if you look very hard can you see spots in the cobbles where a bomb has hit or a gun has been fired. Many people would agree that this only gives the city more character.
You won't be disappointed in the range of activities Dubrovnik has to offer. A must-see attraction has to be Sponza Palace, one of the original buildings to survive the destructive effects of an earthquake in 1667. The Palace is home to important historical documents and is an extremely interesting visit; its amazing gothic architecture is really worth seeing. Another place you should certainly visit is the Church of St. Ignatius and the Jesuit College. This is a beautiful Baroque Church located on a small hill. The exterior and interior is astonishing, and well worth a look. For those interested in this kind of sightseeing, there are countless Churches and monasteries in Dubrovnik to visit.
If you are lucky enough to visit Dubrovnik in the summer months, make sure you make time to go to Dubrovnik Summer Festival. This festival has run every year since 1950, and occupies most of July and August. The festival includes a mix of musical and theatrical performances, all of high quality. The summer months will be busier than the rest of the year, but the vibrant atmosphere of this festival shouldn't be missed if possible.
Dubrovnik hotels are high in quantity and quality. With hosts of celebrities flocking here for their holidays, there is a high number of 5* hotels in Dubrovnik, perfect to really spoil and indulge yourself. Alternatively, you will be able to find many cheap hotels if you search online.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rachael_A_Miller
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