Best Feng Shui Travel

Are you taking a trip soon or are you visiting friends and family in their home? You can take your feng shui with you when you go. Not all bedrooms are created equal but you can make some simple adjustments that will allow you to have a more restful sleep and pleasant stay.
In a hotel try to avoid rooms that are near stairwells, elevators and the vending areas. Also stay away from rooms that are directly above the entrance or the bar. These are locations that are going to be noisier than others. No need to be kept awake by party people if you can avoid it.
If you know your four best directions you can try to book a room in one of these areas or a room that is likely to have the proper bed direction for you.
Whether staying in a hotel or a home there are some additional things you can do to make your stay better. If there is a mirror in the room that you can see from the bed you should cover it at night. The same goes for a television. You can see your reflection in the mirror or darkened screen. If you wake in the night in a strange room seeing a reflection or light glinting of these surfaces you will be startled. Even after you realize what it was, it can ruin your sleep for the rest of the night.
Rooms that are not often used or have been used by many people can have a stale or strange odor. Hopefully you can open the windows and let in some fresh air. But it is a good idea to travel with a small can of air freshener, essential oil, incense or fragrant candle. Use regular precautions when burning candles and incense. Do not leave them unattended at any time.
If you are on an extended stay consider some fresh flowers to brighten and personalize your room. Bring something small from home that you especially like. Perhaps a photo, a travel pillow or blanket or some of your favorite music.
And remember safety first. Be aware where you are and who is around you. If the desk clerk says your room number out loud instead of writing it on your key envelope you might ask for a different room. How do you know who else might have heard your room number. Do not answer the door without knowing who is on the other side. If you didn't request service call the desk to find out if they have actually sent someone to your room.
Safety, comfort, pleasant and fresh surroundings should help you have a happy stay. Take your feng shui with you.
Diane Kern has been trained in the ancient art of Feng Shui in the traditional method. The knowledge has been transmitted through 13 generations from Masters to student via an apprenticeship of extensive study and practical field experience. Ms. Kern was included in a small group of students selected by her Master for advanced training. She is a member of an international team of experts, Alliance Feng Shui, whose resources can be called upon to accomplish your goals.
Ms. Kern assures the privacy and confidentiality of clients. Your name will not be used for advertising or referrals. The culture of integrity, respect and discipline instilled by her Master ensures you a productive working relationship and attention towards successful completion of your goals.
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