History of the Pearl Harbor

A History of Pearl Harbor
According to Franklin D. Roosevelt, the day of the attack at Pearl Harbor is 'a date which will live in infamy'. Just as the date has lived on, so has the site of the horrific attack on the United States that prompted the United States to join in World War II. To understand the importance of this must-see destination on Oahu and the tour provided there, it is important to understand the history surrounding it.
In 1931, Japan started their quest to create an Empire in Asia; to achieve this goal, Japan attacked China in 1937, later advancing to Thailand and the Philippines. The United States, Netherlands, and Great Britain did not agree with Japan's plan of action, and decided to take action of their own, freezing Japanese assets in each respective country, and cutting off raw materials Japan needed for war production. The US continued to press Japan to stop their hostile actions, but Japan would not surrender. On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, believing the US Fleet there to be the only threat against them. Over 1,000 servicemen lost their lives that day.
One of the most notable sights to see in Pearl Harbor is the USS Arizona Memorial, one of the major features of the Pearl Harbor Tour. Completed in 1961, this 184-foot structure is built upon the sunken hull of the battleship, containing three main sections, including the shrine room that has the names of all of the servicemen who perished aboard the ship during the attack.
Pearl Harbor is the site of an event that changed the course of the United States, and brought the country into World War II. Take the Pearl Harbor Tour and experience that infamous day first-hand -- it is an experience that will not soon be forgotten.
Come enjoy the best Pearl Harbor Tours brought to you by the native Hawaiian tour guides of HawaiiTours.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ryan_Underdown
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